Your bathroom drain can take a good amount of abuse, whether it be from the constant use of water to your clipped nails to trimmed facial hair. Your drains can get clogged, stained or have a foul odor which can make your sink a nuisance. It's important to clean your drains regularly if you want to prevent it from being clogged and smelling foul.

If you do have a clogged drain, then you can use these tips to help unclog your bathroom drain and get your water flowing.

Use the Correct Drain Cleaner

While there are many commercial drain cleaners out there that promise to get you great results without damaging your sink, in my opinion the best way to go about cleaning your drain is to create your own solution. If you decide to go commercial, make sure to use the mildest drain cleaner possible to clean drains. Only move up to the next strength if the milder option doesn't work. However, I would recommend that you use a natural homemade solution as it's cheaper, environmentally friendly and will not damage your sink.

Homemade Bathroom Sink Solution to Unclog Your Drains

  • Boil a pot of water and pour it slowly down your drain.
  • Measure 1/2 cup of baking soda and put it down the drain. 
  • Then, pour 1 cup of vinegar down your drain and quickly cover with the drain plug or towel (this allows you to keep the reaction below the drain surface). 
  • Let this solution sit for at least 20 minutes.
  • Flush with boiling water. 
  • Repeat the steps if necessary...

Why this works: The hot water will loosen up any of the sludge, hair or other particles that are clogging your drain. The combination of baking soda and vinegar creates an explosive chemical reaction (remember those grade school projects) which will jolt the dirt loose. The hot-water rinse at the end helps to make sure that all that dirt goes down as well as ensures that you get rid of the vinegar smell. 

You should try to pour a pot of boiling water down your drain once a week to prevent future buildup and clogs.